Author Archives: Green Society

DIY Recipe: Marijuana-Infused Topical for Pain Relief

Many people enjoy using marijuana because they believe it offers relief from some types of [...]

Which Weed Is the Smelliest: Indica or Sativa?

Which weed is the smelliest, If you like the idea of using marijuana in public, [...]

Making Cannabis and CBD Infused Butter AKA Cannabutter!

Marijuana connoisseurs and foodies may have heard of the term “cannabutter,” which, as you may [...]

Using CBD Oil in Your Beauty and Skin Care Routine

CBD has been making waves lately with CBD oil-infused products hitting the top beauty blog [...]

How To Make CBD Oil At Home

Even though it’s easy to buy marijuana online nowadays, some users prefer to use CBD [...]

CBD Tincture for Beginners

If you’re looking for a way to get the effects and benefits of cannabinoids, then [...]

THC Infused Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe

There are many ways to get more out of your weed, such as using a [...]

15 Best Hybrid Marijuana Strains on the Market

If you’re having a hard time picking between the sensationally soothing effects of indica strains [...]

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Marijuana Tea Benefits, Effects, Recipe & Dosages

Want an exciting new way to enjoy marijuana? Try Marijuana Tea. Much like Edibles, Marijuana [...]

Hash vs Weed: What’s the Difference?

It’s amazing just how many ways you can get the effects of marijuana these days. [...]