Hemp Or Marijuana: Which One Is The Best?

Thanks to the legalisation of marijuana in October 2018, cannabis is more accessible than ever. When it [...]

Is Medical Marijuana Safe?

The term “medical marijuana” might provoke some questions. You might be thinking: What makes medical [...]

How Are Cannabis Moon Rocks Consumed?

Also known as cannabis caviar, marijuana moon rocks are a highly potent – but surprisingly [...]

Explained: Marijuana Without the High

Marijuana has been proven to offer several health benefits, including relieved anxiety, a sense of [...]

Top 5 Best Cannabis Dispensaries in Vancouver

Canada is the second country to legalize marijuana – so it is no surprise the [...]

Top 20 Health Benefits of Cannabis

If you’re reading the article, you may be interested in utilizing cannabis in your everyday [...]

Treating Depression Using Cannabis

Depression is a severe mental illness that can completely derail someone’s life without proper treatment. [...]

Why You Should Buy Cannabis Online

Every year, more countries legalize cannabis. Legalization brings a new market filled with dispensaries, new [...]

Guide to Canada’s Best Selling CBD Products

CBD products have been selling like hotcakes in Canada these days, and it’s no surprise [...]