What Is Pink Kush?

The Pink Kush strain is a form of cannabis, noted for its Indica-dominant make-up and [...]

The Difference Between Hemp and Cannabis

Until recently, you wouldn’t have found hemp or cannabis products on your local high street. [...]

How Are Moon Rocks Made?

Want to know making marijuana moon rocks? We’ve got you covered with everything you need [...]

How To Know If The Weed Online Shop Is Legit?

Buying weed online is perfectly legal in Canada, but many people are still uncomfortable doing so [...]

Cannabis as Treatment for Fibromyalgia Pain

Can cannabis act as a natural remedy for fibromyalgia pain? Cannabis is popularly termed a [...]

Hemp Oil for Your Skin: How Effective Is It?

In recent times, hemp oil, also referred to as “hemp seed oil,” has become a [...]

Top 10 Facts That You Should Know About Shatter

The use of cannabis has led to notable health benefits as well as recreational enjoyment. [...]

The Value of Medical Marijuana on Mental Health

Does marijuana have any mental health benefits? Considering the increased awareness of mental health’s importance [...]

Uses Of Hemp

Although it was once illegal along with marijuana, it’s no secret that hemp has made [...]

Defining Shatter

You might be extremely well-versed in marijuana and marijuana products. You may know about THC, [...]